I can relate the world of theatre to my life. Acting, directing, playwriting, producing is things that happen is real life. I have encountered a lot of stuff related to theatre. Musical performance, singing in Church choir, listening to music, worshiping God at church, and playing sports. Living in the 21th century, the digital era, music is a prime example. Everyone from any culture listens to music. I myself listen to music almost every day. I will always have my mp3 player on everyday listening to music as I power walk to class. Watching television is another way theatre is related to my life. I watch TV almost every day. All that is on the TV is people acting but it is not live. In my textbook, it was stated that theatre is a live event it cannot be repeated of tape recorded. The audience that watching the play is what makes up the theatre. Also video games can relate to theatre. There is a big variety of different games out on the market. For example, the famous Final Fantasy games, which let you, play through the eyes of hero that has to save to world from total destruction. When someone plays this game they are acting as this hero with magical powers. I know I am.
Acting is always in my life. When I am back home with my family, I am being a loving son and caring big brother to my little sister. When I am working at McDonald’s I am a good employee making sure that everyone is following orders and doing his or her job. When I am at a concert playing my musical instruments, I am acting as a professional musician. When I am in college, I act as a nerd by studying almost every day. After taking, this class I would have never realize the types of acting I do every day.
As I said before theatre can be related to almost anything in life. In sports, theatre is related to it. The athletes have to perform under intense pressure so that they can win the game. The people who are watching the sports are also related to theatre.
I can also relate to theatre by my major. Because I am a Chemistry major, I am expected to know a lot of scientific materials. For example, when we have Chemistry labs we are acting out as a scientist in the lab by doing research. Also after the lab, I will have to complete my lab work, which is very hard to do. As I said before we are expected to know scientific materials, so we have to figure out how to solve the lab questions by ourselves. Another time when I am acting as a scientist is when I am studying my Calculus. I will always be at the library in one of those study rooms practicing problems on the chalkboard. I will sometimes feel like the famous Albert Einstein. Writing these strange equations and solving them quickly. It is funny because during my lab when I am conduct the experiment I will have my safety glasses on and a good pair of clean gloves. With all this stuff on, I really feel a scientist.
After taking this theatre course I have learn a lot of new knowledge about this field. I had never thought that the simplest things I do every day is related to the world of theatre. Lastly, in closing this topic I would like to mention another way of how theatre is related to everyday activities. When you have to give a speech, many people act as if there are the president. I know I do, because once I am on stage I have this fear on talking. Therefore, when I think I am the president I feel powerful and the feel is lost.
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